William Baxley, M.D.

William Baxley, M.D.

William Baxley, M.D. Metastatic Colon Cancer | 2019Someone who had spent his entire adult life caring for others suddenly found himself with metastatic colon cancer that had spread to his liver.  It was time for him to trust Dr. Heslin and his team to care for him. He is now cancer free.

Philip Little

Philip Little

Philip Little Colon Cancer | 2019His instincts told him that something wasn’t right, which prompted an early colonoscopy screening. Although showing no outward symptoms, this father of three young children learned he had colon cancer. With Dr. Heslin’s quick actions and a strong base of support from family and friends, Philip is now cancer free.

Minnette Wiggins

Minnette Wiggins

Minnette Wiggins Gastric Cancer | 2019Minnette is a schoolteacher that was having some minor difficulties in swallowing her food. She was stunned when she was diagnosed with gastric cancer. Through the care of Dr. Heslin and his team – along with her bravery – Minnette is back with her students.

Nicole Robinson

Nicole Robinson

Nicole Robinson Pancreatic Cancer | 2019It was a shock to Nicole when she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Battling to remain positive through a tough treatment, she used her Faith as guidance to fight.